I selected Audon Electronics UDIN-8R as interface between PC and Abloy. It is USB-driven relay unit. It supports both Windows and Linux and can be controlled simply via virtual comport.
1: Abloy remote control uses 3V battery
2: These two devices needs to be fitted together...
3: There is 4 buttons in Abloy-remote - they are now wired from 4 relays
(1 common, 4 outputs)
4: 3-volts is regulated from USB 5-volts and fed into Abloy-remote.
All 4 buttons are wired into relays.
5: UDIN 8-relay USB-device has now it's own Abloy remote. Notice hole for the led
The use of automation system has made the manufacturing industry more efficient as lesser work force is required in the business.
VastaaPoistaAwesome modification.
VastaaPoistaI Googled "yubikey door lock", expecting that I was the first to think of this idea: guess not! Very interested to see how your project plays out!